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Echoes of Insight

Sound Alchemy & Inspired Channeling

Are you looking for a place to "just be"?


Let's get you moving into a day of inspired change and growth.

As you nestle in to our space, we will stimulate your senses of comfort & community. Providing a safe space for personal expression & exploration without judgement. Strengthening the feeling of belonging and interconnectedness.
Beginning with Sound Alchemy, where all your senses will be stimulated, enhancing your mood and overall well-being. 
As we travel together, stepping into higher wisdom and guidance beyond the conscious mind, we envelop ourselves in connection with one's intuition and inner knowing to find a sense of purpose and alignment with one's own spiritual journey.




What to expect:

We will be opening the group with sound healing with voice, singing bowls and instruments. This has a profound effect on overall wellbeing. During the session we will be exploring our intuition & personal connection to energy along with using intuitive cards to guide any questions you may have.

Please register as space is limited

Tarot Card Deck
Ceramic Candle Holder
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