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Reiki Practicum

We love to bring energy healing to as many people as possible as it has such profound effects on peoples lives! If you've taken Usui Reiki and want to practice or become a member of the Canadian Reiki Association, let's get started on building your flow and confidence!
Teaching provided by 2 Reiki Masters,

Certified under the Canadian Reiki Association.

Canadian Reiki Association Member

Package & Save

1hr session

Not sure if you want to be certified with the Canadian Reiki Association or maybe you're looking to gain experience? We can help!


Valid for 12 months.

6, 1hr sessions

Are you ready to take the next step and gain confidence in your training? Maybe you're considering becoming certified with the Canadian Reiki Association, but would like some guidance and experience to get you started?


Valid for 12 months.

12, 1hr sessions

Are you ready to go all in and step forward with confidence in your training? Are you wanting to be certified with the Canadian Reiki Association, but would like some guidance and experience to get all 12 case studies to get you there? 


Valid for 12 months.

What to Expect

Perfect if you've taken a Usui Reiki course and would like to certify with the Canadian Reiki Association or become more confident in using this amazing modality! Let our highly skilled and experienced Reiki Masters help you build your confidence with this amazing modality by walking with you through a series of sessions. By completing 12 case studies, you will be ready to become certified with the Canadian Reiki Association if you wish.


Valid for 12 months.

Our Process


You have a team behind you, cheering you on! 2 heart-centered Reiki Masters to guide & encourage you.

Practicum Sessions

Bring a friend or family member to our professional space to get the experience you need!


Over the course of your practicum, you will learn many techniques and valuable insights as every session is different!

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